Sunday, December 30, 2012

Stand and Deliver

Eloise thought being whisked to another dimension by a handsome man would be a fantasy come true, but the gorgeous nobleman in question can’t even make her come. As she tries to figure out how to free herself of him, she begins to notice a masked man following her wherever she goes.

In this world of lords and ladies, should she be afraid when this dashing highwayman rides up and demands that she be delivered into his arms? Her brain tells her to be wary, but her body tells her that the ultimate fantasy might be within reach after all…

Eloise leaned forward to gaze out of the carriage window. In the bright moonlight, she could see the black-clad figure on his horse in the trees. Her fiancé seemed as unaware as ever that they were being followed, as did his driver, and she had finally decided that she didn’t mind this. The mysterious figure had begun to intrigue her, to excite her even.

She had been in Melara for two months. Once she’d been convinced that her trip through the enchanted portrait in the museum was a one-way deal, she’d settled in well enough and had eventually agreed to marry the handsome but rather empty-headed man who had lured her to this strange world.

Her fascination with the eighteenth century had led her to spending her lunch hours sitting in the gallery devoted to that period. The recently acquired portrait of Theodore had drawn her in not only because he was handsome but also because she often felt the portrait was actually watching her. That had turned out to be one hundred percent true. The portrait, in fact, served as a window for Theodore. And when someone touched it with the desire of passing through in his or her heart … well, it happened. At least, that was Theodore’s explanation. She had quickly learned that anything complex—magic, science, or even arithmetic—was far beyond his mental grasp. The portrait had been sent to her world as a gift from his godmother. At the age of twenty-five, he had loudly and frequently told his parents that local girls bored him and that he wanted to marry a girl from one of the other worlds his people could glimpse through mirrors, portraits, and bodies of water. Everyone had laughed until his godmother, a very powerful sorceress, had promised that she could create a portal that would deliver him such a bride.

And it had worked. Theodore’s handsome face had enchanted her, and her fascination had led her to go against all of her professional training and reach out to touch the canvas one day. Having her hand snatched had been the last thing she’d expected, but within seconds Theodore had grabbed her and pulled her through. She’d screamed and struggled with him on the floor until her panic and shock had subsided. Then he’d spent a month convincing her she was not crazy and that she was stuck there.

She didn’t miss her old life, yet every single day she wished Theodore’s godmother had gifted him with a few other things on his past birthday. A brain topped her list, followed by manners, class, and the ability to pay attention to things that were not shiny. He could be sweet and charming, but only when it suited him, and apparently it had only done so until the moment she agreed to his marriage proposal.

As she watched the stranger slowly follow along beside them, she imagined him charging forward and halting the carriage. She bit her lip as she imagined him jerking the door open and pulling her into his arms before riding away with her. She didn’t know what he looked like, as he wore a mask and scarf to cover his face all the time, but Theodore had cured her of most of her shallowness. She didn’t want a handsome man anymore. She wanted a man who could have a conversation that didn’t revolve around himself. She yearned for someone to talk to and laugh with. And above all else, she wanted a man who knew how to make a woman come. Looks be damned—she wanted a lover and companion, not a handsome face to pay the bills.

“Dearest, what is it?” Theodore asked.

Though she didn’t turn right away, her eyebrows shot up. It simply wasn’t like him to notice much about other people without a good reason. “The moon is so beautiful,” she said, her eyes still fixed on the broad-shouldered stranger. “Are you sure it’s not the same moon as in my world? It looks so similar.” She finally looked over at him.

“Your world is in another dimension, pet. We’ve discussed this.” He sighed, sounding bored. “And we have three moons, actually, but the other two are only visible a few times a year.” He patted her leg briefly, seeming to think this would be a great comfort to her. “I’d take you to your world every day if I could. You know that. But the magic only works one way.”

“I wasn’t complaining, just observing.” He always got like this when he was bored or not getting enough attention. She felt like a babysitter some days. And she was beginning to believe he actually knew very little about the physics of his own world, as he couldn’t explain the relationship between her world and his in any more specific way than he just had.

Turning back to the window, she saw the man’s head cock in her direction. She felt as if he were looking right into her eyes, and the need to know what color they were made her chest feel tight. She drew in a deep breath and licked her lower lip, staring right back at him. He did nothing. She sat back, suddenly feeling sulky. He had been following her for over a month. Who was he, and what did he want? She saw him almost every day, no matter who she was with. So, he had to be following her, right? Or was he following every member of Theodore’s family because they were rich and related to the king? Every time she tried to point him out to someone, he managed to elude her, so she’d stopped trying because she’d grown tired of people giving her confused and exasperated looks.

As Theodore began debating what to wear for dinner, she reached for the curtain and pulled it back slightly. This time, the man nodded at her. She moved forward to try to focus on him, but then he spurred his horse and galloped away. Theodore didn’t notice this any more than he noticed her ignoring his chatter.

“Theodore, do highwaymen ever bother travelers?”

Theodore paused for so long she began to wonder if he had understood the question.


He shook himself. “Highwaymen? Oh, no, darling, no. No trouble at all.”

She did not believe him because he sounded far too shaky and uncertain. Melara seemed quite crime-free to her, but she wondered now if the nobility simply ignored such things until they actually hit home with them. Since Theodore had pulled her through the portrait and refused to let her out of his sight until she agreed not to run away, she had been with him and his family constantly since her arrival.

The desire to escape the house alone and ride out to meet her mysterious stranger became overwhelming as Theodore went back to droning on about the color scheme he would adopt when they reached his aunt’s house.


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Add me to your shelf on Goodreads!

Book 1: Stand and Deliver: Available now!

Book 2: Your Money or Your Life: Coming January 15

Book 3: All Mine: Coming January 30

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Surviving Abuse Through Unexpected Love at Christmas

Merry Christmas, everyone!

My wife and I use this blog mainly to promote our books and the books of our colleagues at Evernight Publishing, but we also like to talk about love, too, and that's just what I want to do today.

Specifically, I want to tell you just how wonderful my wife's love is.

I would first like to say that I've learned to get past my pride and deal with what happened to me as a child--and for this, I give my wife most humble thanks. She got me to the place where I can talk about it.

I grew up in a horribly broken home and was abused by a monstrous step-father. This is common in America, and I was simply another casualty of divorce. My mother was a registered nurse and worked nights (as well as two other jobs!), so I would spend my nights terrorized by my step-father. Hearing her car keys jingle as she left the house meant that my beatings were only minutes away. My sisters and I would be whipped, punched, kicked, and generally beaten for no reason, while the step-father's kids got to sleep comfortably in their beds. Sometimes we were made to clean the house or stand in corners until we shit our pants. Dishes wouldn't be done for days, and then we'd have to go into the kitchen and stick our hands in maggot-infested water and do the best we could with what we had. We lived with nightly injustice.

It was a terrible childhood full of every possible degradation you can imagine.

We rarely got good things, but one Christmas I got a Transformer toy, a fighter jet that turned into a robot. I loved it. I was so happy. I never got anything nice, but I'd gotten just what I wanted--for once. My step-father glared at me, his threatening eyes promising me a severe beating later. How dare I have fun on Christmas day? My mother was there, so he couldn't do anything then. And the longer he had to wait to administer punishment, the worse it was, as if it were somehow my fault for the delay.

But what could I do? I was just a boy, so I played with my little Transformer toy with all my heart. An hour after opening my treasured present, I tripped on the stair while pretending the jet was streaking across the sky. The toy slipped from my hand, hit the floor, and broke.

I cried so hard, and my mother tried to comfort me. But my step-father despised my sadness and silently promised me a nice, long session later for causing a scene. I couldn't stop crying; I'd broken the one good thing I'd gotten since I-didn't-know-when, and I was sure to never get one again.

We finally got out of that monster's lair and moved away. Many years later--after high-school and college apart from that nightmare--I married my wife, and after many years of marriage, I trusted her enough to tell her about my childhood. Everything. And one of the stories I told her was of the Transformer toy. She cried, and I was shocked to see another human being sympathize with my sufferings. I'd rarely seen any genuine feelings from anyone growing up. Except fear.

I'd forgotten all about that toy, but this Christmas, I opened my present, and guess what it was?

That's right! My lovely, darling, wonderful, loving, peerless, matchless, good, beautiful, thoughtful, selfless wife has replaced that toy I'd broken so long ago.

And with this gift, she has mended my broken heart.

I love you, Mrs. A.D.! You are my ... everything. Thank you for teaching me about love!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Their First Noelle

From Evernight Publishing, a Christmas ménage to heat up those cold winter nights...

Elf Noelle Duncan thought life among the humans would be a nice change of pace after two hundred years in Santa’s workshop. Instead, retirement is lonely and the prospect of spending her remaining centuries among humans doesn’t hold much appeal. With Christmas approaching, she wants just one night to feel alive and loved. 

Kristian Winters and Nicholas Haversham are partners in business and love. They’d like nothing more than to find a woman to share their love, but they’ve yet to find one open not only to two lovers, but a pair with unusual appetites. Noelle is the only woman they want, and Nick isn’t about to let Christmas go by without making their wishes known. 


“This is your last chance to walk out the door, Noelle,” Kris said, his voice rough. “Now you have an idea what we want.”

“Stay the night,” Nick said, “and we’ll give you all the pleasure you can take.”

“On our terms,” Kris added.

“You’ll…hold me down?” Her entire body tingled at the thought. 

“Tie you down,” Nick said.

“Tie me down?” Her breath caught. She’d never imagined being bound for her lover. Being bound for two? Heat flooded her breasts, arrowed down to her thighs and the moist heat between them.

“And up. Over. Around. How flexible are you?”

She laughed, clamping a hand over her mouth. A look back at Nick showed his hazel eyes dancing with mischief and hope. Kristian’s dark chocolate gaze gave nothing away now. He’d played his cards, as the human saying went, and let Nick tease her.

“There’s more,” Nick promised. “So much more.”

Nick trapped her hands once again, this time in just one of his own. He spun her against him. She sucked in a breath as her breasts collided with his harder chest. He scooped her hair into one hand, tugging until her head dropped back for his kiss. Struggling against his hold provoked a devilish grin from him and his grip tightened just to the edge of pain. He took her open mouth like a conqueror. 

Get yours here!


Cara Michaels is a dreamer of legendary proportions (just ask her about the alien pirate spaceship invasion). Her imagination is her playground and nothing is quite so much fun for her as building new characters and new worlds with at least an edge of the fantastic. She's writing whenever the opportunity presents itself and can typically be found tinkering with half a dozen projects. Occasionally all at once.

Connect with Cara: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr | G+

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Evernight's Christmas Blog Hop

Yet another reason it's the most wonderful time of the year!

Welcome to the Evernight Holiday Blog Hop!

We love the holidays, we love making our readers happy, and we love giving away swag. What better way to do that than to hold a blog hop?

Here's how it works...the more blogs you hop to (shown below) the better chance you have of winning prizes. Each site on the hop is offering a prize, and Evernight is offering an iPad 2 as the grand prize! To be in with a chance of winning the site prize, simply follow the blog you're visiting and leave a comment which includes your email address. Each entry on each blog is then counted towards the grand prize draw. The more entries you have, the better your chance of winning that iPad 2! You also get extra points for liking the Evernight Facebook page. Just make sure you let us know in the comments that you've done so.

Happy hopping!

The grand prize winners will be drawn from those that have hopped the most across all blogs, so make sure you follow this blog and comment here (tell us your email address!!) and click through to the next blog and comment there, too!

And Boundless as the Sea will be choosing a winner, too, from among the comments below -- a paperback copy of our debut novel, Worth His Freedom. Good luck, and Merry Christmas!!

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Two from Angelina Rain

Today, Boundless as the Sea is offering up a double-dose, and our focus is on Evernight's own Angelina Rain!

Have you ever fantasized about pleasuring a firefighter? That is a pretty common fantasy amongst women. It was my own version of the fantasy that turned into this short story about one single woman, a wicked night, an unfortunate house fire, and five hunky firemen coming to the rescue.

Ginelle Jinx, recently single, heartbroken, and unemployed, decides to cast an impotency spell on her cheating ex. She doesn't expect the spell to have consequences, but her house catches on fire. 

Five hunky firemen come to Ginelle’s rescue, one of them being Seth Tompson, her high school sweetheart. With one fire out, she finds old flames and new ones mingling as she indulges the pleasures her five firemen have on offer. 
But what will happen when she realizes she still loves Seth? Does he feel the same? Can an old flame become a raging inferno? 

Be Warned: menage sex (FMMMMM), m/m sex, multiple partners, anal sex, orgies


She showered quickly, making sure not to use up all the hot water as she was certain he would need to shower too. But, she did stay under the spray for several minutes enjoying as the heat washed away the stress from the night.

Once she was done, she pulled the curtain away and grabbed the large bath towel Seth had supplied. She rubbed it over her long blonde hair, down her face, neck, chest, and back. It wasn't until she ran it over the back of her hand that pain shot through her as though her skin had been peeled off.

"Ouch! Fuck!" She screamed and hissed in pain, remembering that she burned her hand. The shocking events of the night had momentarily blocked the pain and now it throbbed as though making up for lost time.

A ruckus sounded outside the bathroom door and it opened quickly as Seth rushed in, worry etched into his eyes. "Are you okay?"

She stared at him. The pain quickly subsided as she took in the man before her. He had showered too and now only wore a pair of denim shorts. Seth had a perfectly muscled chest and she wanted to run her fingertips along the ridges and crevices of his spectacular body. No, she wanted more than just to touch it. She wanted to kiss it and lick it and taste every inch of this man. Her nipples hardened and her pussy pooled with warm juices.
Her breath caught in her throat as a moan of need and desire escaped her lips before she could contain it. She looked into Seth's eyes and saw the same lust that reflected her own. 
He took two large steps toward her and his hands entangled in her wet hair. Seth tilted her head slightly and his lips crashed over hers. The need she felt within her, she also tasted in his mouth. 

Get your copy here!


Don't you hate stereotypes? I know I do. They are so annoying! This holiday season I decided to undo the stereotype surrounded around Santa Claus. 

Yes, I know he's old, fat, jolly, works in a toy factory, and wears a red suit. But…. What if he were young, blonde, muscular, hunky, worked as a doctor in children’s hospital, and drove a red car? Isn't that mental image so much better? What if, we add peppermint and milk chocolate flavored 'candy cane' (for a lack of a better word)? Now we're talking, right? Want to know more about this alluring Santa?

Check out Sucking Santa's Candy Cane!

Noelle has always been a good girl, but when she meets a man named Santa Claus, her naughty side is unleashed. She indulges in her sexual desires with this handsome stranger with the very bizarre name. Santa Claus isn't real! Is he? Will Noelle learn to believe in magic and miracles while in the arms of her handsome lover? 


“Let’s cut the crap, I want to eat your pussy.”

She glanced sharply at him. “Did you. . .” Surely, she just imagined it. This stranger wouldn’t dare say that to her.

“What’s up?”

“Did you just say something to me?”

“What do you think I said?”

There was that knowing smile, and the tone of his voice suggested he was playing with her.

“I. . . I’m just hearing things,” she answered.

“Are you now?”

A car drove by on the expressway and Noelle chose to concentrate on that. Where was that damn tow truck? Did she really want it to arrive?

“What do you think you heard?”

She glanced down, embarrassed. “Nothing. It doesn’t matter.”

He climbed off the trunk and came to stand before her. Santa rested his hands on her thighs. Noelle’s heart thumped heavily inside her chest when the realization hit her. She had heard exactly what he said. He wanted to eat her pussy. She wanted him too. But. . . But she wasn’t Wendy. Wendy would have had him in every hole by now, but that just wasn’t her. Could she really let a stranger get this intimate with her?

Santa inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. “I can smell your arousal.” He opened his eyes and bent forward, kissed her knee. “I want you.”

“We’re strangers. We’re in public. Someone could see us.” Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!

He put his finger to her lips. “Relax, no one will see us.” He moved the finger from her lips and rested his hand on her hips. The other hand started on her knee and slowly traveled up her thigh. “Uncross your legs,” he ordered.

Her knees shook as she obeyed. She wasn’t sure why she did it and why she let this stranger do what he was doing. Was it the thrill of possibly getting caught fucking a stranger? Or was it that she hadn’t felt pleasure in so long she would take it any way she could?

She spread her legs a few inches away from each other and breathed deeply. What was she doing? She was crazy.

“Relax,” he whispered. “Don’t be nervous.”

How could she not be? A complete stranger was feeling her up in public.

As Santa’s hand slid under her dress, Noelle’s heart pulsed inside her chest. The thump, thump, thump of it rang in her ears, drowning out all other sounds. Her pussy soaked with desire juices.

His fingertips grazed her cunt. He hooked a finger into her panties and groaned. “Your panties are soaking.”

Get your copy here!

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Lawman's Librarian

When Sheriff Nick Grey is talked into playing Santa at the local mall by his devious sister Lana he fully expects to have a miserable time. What he doesn’t know is that Lana has convinced Peter DeKell to play one of his elves. Peter’s the town’s librarian and the object of Nick’s affection since they were both children. The only problem is that while the entire town knows that the Sheriff is head over heels for the quiet librarian, Peter seems at best oblivious and at worst not interested.

After being faced with the temptation of Peter in tights Nick finally breaks down and asks Peter to dinner and is elated when he accepts. When disaster strikes in the form of an ill-timed kiss Nick has to make a choice. Is he willing to finally give up on being with Peter? Or will the lawman fight for his librarian’s affections?

He tastes better than Nick had ever imagined, salty but not too bitter, and he still smells like soap and fresh clean skin. Nick sucks slow and hard, his mouth sliding up and down Peter’s shaft in an easy rhythm while his tongue swirls around and across the head of his cock, pausing every now and again to dip into his slit and wiggle slightly. Peter’s moaning and thrashing, trying to buck his hips up but unable to escape the iron grip Nick has on his hip.

Nick just loses himself in the act, in the taste and feel of Peter hard and throbbing in his mouth, in the knowledge that he finally has him where he’s always wanted him. Peter’s panting and calling his name above him and tugging gently at his hair in warning, but Nick ignores it. He wants Peter to come, wants to taste it, to have him lose control inside of his mouth with the knowledge that Nick was the one who drove him to such extremes.

Peter comes hard and suddenly across his tongue, and Nick swallows it down and keeps sucking. He cleans Peter with his tongue, makes sure to get every drop there is and then keeps going until Peter is tugging at his hair harder, his cock too sensitive for what Nick’s doing.

He finally pulls off, but he doesn’t really give Peter a chance to recover. Instead he grabs him by the hips and flips him over onto his stomach so he can spread him open and press his tongue against his hole. The normally tightly furled muscle is loose from Peter’s orgasm and Nick just presses inside ruthlessly. Peter moans low in his throat and squirms, but this time he’s pressing back into Nick’s mouth instead of trying to escape.

He fucks Peter slow and steady with his tongue, bites gently at his rim just to feel him jump and twitch, and then slides a finger in alongside his tongue just to hear him whine high in his throat. Nick keeps going, adds another finger and then another, licks around them and between them, loosens Peter up for his cock because he wants nothing between them, not even the slick slide of lube.

“Nick. Nick, please, please I’m ready. I’m ready, Nick. I want it, I want it, come on, Nick, please. Give it to me. Come on, come on, come on!” Peter groans and presses farther back onto Nick’s tongue and hand, and Nick growls and pulls himself away slowly, like it’s painful to leave and it really kind of is. “Fuck, Peter. Fuck. God, I can’t wait. I can’t.” Nick’s frantic now, his own cock is full and heavy, curving up towards his stomach and leaking desperately.


Where to find Rebecca:

Evernight Publisher

Where to buy:

All Romance ebooks

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Doctor's Deception

Boundless as the Sea is pleased to have Evernight's own Kathleen Grieve here to talk to us about what love means to her. We love this kind of thing, so we invite you to pull up a chair and participate in our conversation!

A graduate of University of Nebraska Medical Center, Kathleen Grieve earned a Bachelors Degree in Science and Nursing in 1994. She has been a dedicated nurse for the past seventeen years, serving most of those years in intensive care. Always writing, Kathleen chose to pursue yet another career- that of a writer. An avid romance reader of all genres since age 13, she decided to try a hand at writing her own novel in the summer of 2006.

She draws a lot from the real-life medical drama she experiences as a RN for her novels. Writing medical romance is a creative outlet where she can effectively deal with the daily stress and sorrow, adding levity and humor to situations that provide a happily ever after when there isn't one.


What makes us love a wonderful happily ever after? For me it is hope. Hope that the world isn’t falling apart around us. Hope that love truly exists. Hope that something wonderful will happen to me. I love romance for the hope it gives me. And when I have hope, I feel really good inside especially if I’m having a bad day. 

Some may just roll their eyes and say I live in a dream world where romance and love don’t truly exist. They’re entitled to think whatever they want, of course. But we can all agree to disagree. I love putting a hero and heroine together and placing them in peculiar situations and see what happens. Since each scene I write unfolds on my computer screen as I type, I have no idea what kind of mischief my characters will be getting into. A dash of hilarity, a dash of sexual tension, and a dash of the unexpected leads to hope. Hope, that, against whatever odds I put against these two people, they will overcome and find a way to be happy.

One of my favorite scenes in The Doctor’s Deception is when Dr. Lassiter shows up on my heroine’s doorstep to apologize. She’s spitting nails mad at him. But when she sees his peace offering, her internal struggle to remain angry at him cracks me up every time I read that passage. 

Have you ever been so mad at your boyfriend or husband for something and all of a sudden, he does something so deliciously, unexpectedly sweet and tender you melt and forgive? Please leave your comment below and I will draw a random winner for a $5.00 Evernight Publisher gift card. I can’t wait to read your answers!

Thank you, Adonis for having me here today!


Tell us about The Doctor's Deception!

Hard-headed, straight-laced Dr Stone Lassiter is one heart surgeon about to lose everything he’s worked his entire career for. He is locked in a battle of wills against the nurses of the surgical intensive care unit of Deerborne County General. At first, the new doctor was definitely drool-worthy. Sexy or not, the nurses have had enough! Their secret weapon? Unsuspecting SICU nurse, Faith Daniels, a cool green-eye blonde that turns Dr. Lassiter’s head every time she’s near. Poor Faith has the “worst luck” in drawing the short straw and is forced to work with Dr. Lassiter repeatedly. Will the nurses’ plan to have Dr. Lassiter fall in love with one of their own work in softening him toward the nursing staff? Or will the little white lie Stone tells Faith to enlist her aid to obtain his goal destroy the fragile bond of love that has developed between them?


Give us a taste!

Faith moaned and woke to the constant chiming of her doorbell and pounding on the front door. The wonderful, erotic dream of Stone painting her with melted chocolate burst. 

She lifted her head and glanced at her clock. 7:00a.m. Groaning, she pulled the covers over her head and rolled onto her stomach, trying to recapture her fantasy. Maybe whoever it was would go away if she ignored them.

Ding-dong… Ding-dong… Ding-dong…

“Oh, give it a rest already!” she yelled, climbing out of bed. The cool morning air hit her bare legs and arms, and she shivered.

She reached the front door and yanked it open.

Stone Lassiter stood on her step, hand in air, ready to pound the unrelenting wood again.

Staring, her fogged brain tried to wake up. Hadn’t he just been in her room?

No, that wasn’t real, you nit-wit!

You! What’s the big idea? Do you realize how early it is? It’s my day off!”

Not to mention, I was in the middle of the best dream of my life.


Keeping A Pulse On Life & Romance Blog 
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Twitter @KathleenGrieve 
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